Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Cry for Pie

Once again, I have spent a few days away from the computer composing the "Blog of the Century" in my head, only to have it completely disappear the moment I sit down to type.
The subjects over which I would like to elucidate are religion vs. relationship, parenting, the uglies of divorce, and possibly pie. Why pie? Well, frankly, pie is the most interesting of all the aforementioned subjects. Pie is good.

Now, don't get me wrong. Cake is lovely and chocolate chip cookies are divine. I truly have shown my affection for both cake and cookies all too often in the past 40 years. However, cake is mainly reserved for birthdays and cookies belong in a lunch pail. Pie is for dessert.

Pie is sweet, but it doesn't have to be overly so. It can be made of fruit or cream or both! Pie can be served after a formal dinner or a family picnic. Pie can even be serve AS dinner! Such versatility is so hard to find and yet here it is. Pie.

I do not advocate savory pie in any form, but you cannot deny its popularity. Shepherd's Pie, Chicken Pot Pie, Pizza Pie. Okay, Pizza Pie is stretching it, but you get my drift. Pie is truly universal!

Calzones are pie in my book. Crust on all sides, filled, and baked? Sounds like pie to me. If I ate it, I could probably argue that Dim Sum was a form of pie too. I'm sure I read somewhere that the name Dim Sum meant "little pie bites." No? Oh don't be so sure.

As you can see, pie is on my mind. Better there, than on my hips. Right?

In closing, that means that Life on Elk Meadows is flakey, crusty, and fruity; all at the same time. Just like Pie!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, Monday...

So, the hubby left for Florida yesterday and we are on our own again. Been there. Done that.

My fingers aren't working very well today. This post may be quite small.

Anyway, with the "Man" gone and PMS on it's way, this week could shape up to be EXPLOSIVE! hehehe Okay, maybe not. I did spend a few moments this weekend pondering the ponderable's and writing the-most-scintillating-blog-you've-ever-read in my head. Unfortunately, now that I am here, I've got nothing. Nothing.

And considering that no one else on the interwebs is reading this, I should take advantage and really, really write what's on my mind.

Still nothing. How sad is that?

OH WAIT! I know....

Life on Elk Meadows is....

sunny with a chance of screaming banshee today. :) Cheers!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am so tired of Asperger's.

'nuff said.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So this is how it's done...

I have not blogged forever...for good reason. Well, okay, that was a few years ago and a lot of water has passed under that bridge.

Never good to hold grudges, huh?

So, here I am! *waving* Hi! (faint echo in the distance) Hello?

I guess I'd better start inviting people...